Register of Willard Yachts

The list below represents Willard boats currently in our database. If you have a Willard, or know of one, that should be listed here, please send us the particulars. If you don't see a name you're looking for, try the Search Box -- it will find boats by previous names as well.
Displaying 1 - 218 of 218.
1995 Vega 30 (Other)
1999 W40 FBS
1971 Willard Custom
1973 Vega 30 Horizon
1985 W40 FBS
2002 W40 Pilot House
1978 W30 8 ton Cutter
1974 Vega 30 Voyager
1978 W30 FBS Mk IV
1968 Willard Other (tooling, kits, etc.)
Audrey's Bell (ex-Sand Dollar)
1974 Vega 30 Horizon
1972 Vega 30 Searcher
1965 Vega 36 Std
1976 W30 8 ton Cutter
1973 Vega 30 Nomad
1978 W30 8 ton Cutter
1976 W30 8 ton Cutter
1988 W40 FBS
1977 W30 8 ton Cutter
1962 Vega 36 Std
1977 W40 FBS
C Dancer (2005)
1972 Vega 30 Searcher
1962 Vega 36 Std
1973 Vega 30 Horizon
1991 W40 FBS
1963 W36 motorsailor
1988 W30 FBS Mk IV
1974 Vega 30 Horizon
1988 W40 FBS
1983 W40 FBS
1974 Vega 30 Voyager
1974 Vega 30 Horizon
1965 Vega 36 Std
1975 Vega 30 Horizon II
1975 Vega 30 Horizon
Dolphin [2021]
1973 Vega 30 Searcher
1974 Vega 30 Horizon
1978 W30 FBS Mk IV
2001 W30 Pilot House
1974 Vega 30 Nomad
1981 W40 FBS
1972 Vega 30 Searcher
1973 Vega 30 Searcher
1969 Vega 36 Pilot House
Easy Fix (Sept 2020)
1973 Vega 30 Nomad
1973 Vega 30 Searcher
1973 Vega 30 Nomad
2001 W40 Pilot House
1978 W30 8 ton Cutter
1973 Vega 30 Nomad
1998 W30 Livaboard
2001 W40 FBS
1974 Vega 30 Horizon
1976 W30 8 ton Cutter
1973 Vega 30 Searcher
1977 W30 FBS Mk IV
Genesis Profile
1969 Vega 36 Pilot House
1987 W30 FBS Mk IV
1973 Vega 30 Nomad
1967 Vega 36 Std
1976 W30 8 ton Cutter
1972 Vega 30 Searcher
1975 Willard Custom
1974 Vega 30 Nomad
1973 Vega 30 Horizon
1977 W30 8 ton Cutter
1988 W30 FBS Mk IV
1972 Vega 30 Searcher


1986 Willard Custom
1976 W30 8 ton Cutter
Black Pearl
1973 Vega 30 Voyager
1974 Vega 30 Voyager
1973 Vega 30 Searcher
Jenny Ruth
1977 Vega 30 (Other)
1973 Vega 30 Horizon
1974 Vega 30 Horizon
1973 Vega 30 Horizon
1972 Vega 30 Searcher
1974 Vega 30 Nomad
1975 Vega 30 Horizon II
1983 W40 -Other
1977 W30 FBS Mk IV
1967 W47 Dover
1976 W30 8 ton Cutter
1984 W40 Pilot House
Last Tangle (2023)
1974 Vega 30 Voyager
1964 Vega 36 Std
1978 W30 FBS Mk IV
1977 W40 FBS
1962 Vega 36 Std
1975 W40 -Other
1973 Vega 30 Voyager
1974 Vega 30 Voyager
1973 Vega 30 Voyager
Molly Dog
1973 Vega 30 Searcher
"Little Willy"
1963 Vega 36 Std
1973 Vega 30 Searcher
Patito (2020)
1991 W40 Pilot House
1963 Vega 36 Std
1972 Vega 30 Searcher
1976 Vega 30 (Other)
1972 Vega 30 Searcher
1974 Vega 30 Voyager
1973 Vega 30 Horizon
1999 W30 Pilot House
Moon Jelly arriving at Jones Island, May 2021. Photo by Susan Dean.
1962 Vega 36 Std
1978 Vega 30 Voyager
1969 Vega 36 Pilot House
Morning Star
1979 Willard Custom
1974 Vega 40 Voyager
1977 W30 FBS Mk IV
1974 Vega 30 Horizon
1981 W40 -Other
1967 W47 Dover
1963 Vega 36 Std
1962 Vega 36 Std
1973 Vega 30 Voyager
1967 Vega 36 Std
Northern Explorer
1967 W47 Dover
1974 Vega 40 Nomad
1974 Vega 30 Horizon
1980 Willard Custom
October, W40 Voyager
1977 Vega 40 Voyager
1976 W30 8 ton Cutter
1962 Vega 36 Std
1981 W40 FBS
1974 Vega 30 Voyager
1973 Vega 30 Voyager
1973 Vega 40 Nomad
1974 Vega 30 Voyager
1974 Vega 30 Nomad
1973 Vega 30 Horizon
1976 W30 8 ton Cutter
1973 Vega 30 Horizon
1977 W40 FBS
1974 Vega 30 Nomad
1974 Vega 30 Voyager
1977 W30 FBS Mk IV
1974 Vega 30 Searcher
1971 Willard Custom
1977 W30 8 ton Cutter
??? Vega 30 Nomad
1973 Vega 30 Searcher
1973 Vega 30 Nomad
1966 Vega 36 Pilot House
1976 W30 8 ton Cutter
Ranger W40 Captains Gig
Willard Custom
1961 Vega 36 Std
1976 W30 8 ton Cutter
1973 Vega 30 Horizon
1962 W36 motorsailor
1973 Vega 30 Horizon
Rescue 1
1975 Vega 30 Nomad
1975 W30 8 ton Cutter
1973 Vega 30 Nomad
1963 Vega 36 Std
1974 Vega 30 Voyager
1974 Vega 40 Nomad
1973 Vega 30 Nomad
1967 Vega 36 Pilot House
1977 W40 Motorsailor
1977 W30 FBS Mk IV
1977 Vega 30 (Other)
1974 Vega 30 Voyager
1996 W40 FBS
1976 W30 8 ton Cutter
1974 Vega 30 Horizon
1973 Vega 30 Searcher
1976 W30 8 ton Cutter


1973 Vega 30 Searcher
1961 Willard Custom
1974 Willard Custom
w30 nomad profile
1974 Vega 30 Nomad
Slow and Easy
1974 Vega 30 Voyager
1973 Vega 30 Voyager
1974 Vega 30 Nomad
1974 Vega 30 Voyager
1976 W30 FBS Mk IV
1962 Vega 36 Std
1974 Vega 30 Voyager
1963 W36 motorsailor
Spindrift II
1976 W30 8 ton Cutter
1976 W30 8 ton Cutter
1979 W30 8 ton Cutter
1974 Vega 30 Nomad
1963 Vega 36 Std
1974 Vega 30 Nomad
1974 Vega 30 Horizon
1976 W30 8 ton Cutter
1977 W30 8 ton Cutter
1962 Vega 36 Std
1973 Vega 30 Nomad
W30 8 ton Cutter
1964 Vega 36 Std
1973 Vega 30 Nomad
1974 Vega 30 Voyager
1974 Vega 30 Voyager
1974 Vega 30 Horizon
1968 Vega 36 Pilot House
1973 Vega 30 Horizon
1974 Vega 30 Nomad
1987 W30 FBS Mk IV
1973 Vega 30 Horizon
1976 W30 8 ton Cutter
1973 Vega 30 Nomad
Horizon 106
1975 Vega 30 Horizon
1961 Vega 36 Std
1974 Vega 40 Voyager
1962 Vega 36 Std
1973 Vega 30 Voyager


1977 Vega 30 Voyager
1970 Vega 36 Std
1976 W30 FBS Mk IV
1983 W40 Pilot House
1976 W30 8 ton Cutter
2001 W30 Pilot House
1978 W30 8 ton Cutter
1977 W40 -Other